About Me

On December 23rd, we got the greatest news ever. A postive pregnancy test. We are excited to take this new step in life. Our baby will be welcomed by two loving families. Both grandmas are very excited for their new grandbaby. Grandpa is excited to have another grandchild as well.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Its a BOY ultrasound

 This is another profile shot
This is where we see he's a boy.
 This is the heart

The second picture is of his little feet aren't they cute.
His face, where we measure the skull and other bones.

Introducing the baby name

We had our appointment on Thursday. The ultrasound went amazing. It was so nice to see the baby on the screen and watch the baby stretch, roll, and kick. Everything measured out to be excatly where it should be at this time. We are now at the 21 week mark. The due date has not changed, its still August 28th. The baby for those of you who don't know is going to be named Riley Evan Robertson. He was upsetting our ultrasound tech because he would not sit still for her to take a picture of his heart and monitor it very well. We tried to get a 4d picture of him, but Riley wants to keep it a surprise on what he looks like so he kept moving around. Which really is ok, I know that he will be just as handsome as his daddy. Seeing my baby on screen made me want to cry, but I knew if I did cry I would be seen as that dramatic pregnant lady. But I am so happy now that I can call him by name. I'll post some of his ultrasound pictures as well.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Four Days!!

The next four days are going to feel like forever! I am getting so excited and nervous all at the same time. I have no idea why I am so nervous. I guess the main reason is because now we actually will have a name. I am so sorry of calling the baby, baby, or it. I am ready to give it a name. Adam is just as excited. I am still nervous about seeing the ultrasound. I am really hoping that the baby is facing the right way so we can see it the best way. They are going to record the ultrasound as well. That is going to be a great memory keeper.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Less than a week!

We are getting so super excited. Less than a week left and we will be able to call our baby by name. We went shopping today for wedding gifts for some friends of ours. At the same time we picked up more maternity clothes and new sandals. I am so excited. We also are now registered with motherhood maternity so what that means is that we will be getting up $400.00 stuff in samples, coupons, and other stuff.