About Me

On December 23rd, we got the greatest news ever. A postive pregnancy test. We are excited to take this new step in life. Our baby will be welcomed by two loving families. Both grandmas are very excited for their new grandbaby. Grandpa is excited to have another grandchild as well.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day before Due date

I have been having contractions on and off for a while now. Some can get so bad that I just want to curl up and cry. With it being the day before due date I feel that Riley may be coming late. You can't rush nature but boy do I wish I could. Sometimes I'm so uncomfortable that I just want to do what ever it takes to get comfortable. On Wednesday, we went to the hosiptal because Riley stopped moving for a long time. Over 12 hours. We get there, check in and they hook us up to the monitors. Hearing his heartbeat was a relief. My blood pressure was high and my body was swollen but after about 2 hours, everything was back to normal. We went to the doctors appointment and basically heard that next week (the 31st of August) we can talk about inducing and until then everything is fine. We so want to avoid inducing. I want to go into labor naturally. We will see though. So far we have tried just about everything. Even bouncing on a ball for hours at a time. Today I am going to go get a pedicure and hope that it might help. Wish us luck. Day before due date and I'm more anxious then ever. I am ready to hear his cry, see his little hands and feet, and see him in his daddy's arms.

Monday, August 22, 2011

6 days left

So todays posting on what to expect on my phone says 85% of babies come within 2 weeks, either side of their due dates. I don't think I can do this for another two weeks. I have been googling ways to jumpstart labor. Some of the ways are walking, nipple stimulation, intercourse, relaxation, massage, herbs, and castor oil. So I have tried the walking, stimulation, intercourse, relaxation, and a simple massage. Nothing has worked. The down side of the herbs and castor oil scares me to much to try. Nothing seems appealing about giving myself an extremely bad stomach ache to throw myself in labor, I can dehydrate myself and Riley. Or make him have a bowel movement and him get an infection from it. So I'm still playing the waiting game, and I really suck at this game.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

1 week left

We have a week left. Last night we went for a very fast pace walk. I woke up this morning not feeling great. I was sore and ended up being sick this morning. These are signs of the beginning stages of labor. We can't wait. We will be walking more tonight. We have everything ready. Now we are just waiting on Riley.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

38 weeks

Today was the 38 week check up. Everything is on schedule. We have everything ready. And today the doctor says, he can come at any time. We are just playing the waiting game. 60% effaced, just wish Riley would come. Guess its better to wait, it makes getting him here that more special.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

14 days left

The Baby Shower was so much fun. Stevie came in for it with Chole. So I got to have all three of my sisters for a day. It was so nice. We had quite a few people at my moms as well. We got everything we needed and with lots of diapers. We are set for diapers for a while. Grandpa even talked Adam into coming. We had such a fun time.

On another note, we have had a few false alarms with Riley coming. We can get the contractions to get about 10 mins apart, then I relax and they stop completely. Or they will start at like 2:00 in the morning and I will lay there waiting for it to get closer so I can wake Adam then all the sudden they stop. Its at the point to where it hurts to sit and to lay down. I rather be walking around and it feels better that way. I have gone home early from work a couple of times, but it gets to be a false alarm as soon as I get home.

I am so tired of the false alarms, I want to see Riley soon. I think that is what is making it feel like this last month is taking forever. Adam and I have everything ready, the diaper bag is packed completely. Our overnight hospital bag is packed except for the last minute stuff, like the toothbrushes, deordant, and baby book. I will admit that now I am starting to get nervous. I think my biggest fear is that I will not notice that I am in labor. I keep hearing the phrase: Oh, you'll know. I know I will know, but its the fact that now I keep having the false alarms, I worry I won't know its the real thing till its too late.

Clothes are washed and put away, nipples and pacifiers are sanitized and ready. Now we are just having to wait for Riley to make his big appearance. Please hope that he comes sooner than later. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. He is taking way too long.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Baby Shower

Tomorrow is the baby shower. I am so excited. I am washing clothes right now and I will be washing baby clothes tonight as well. I want to have the diaper bag and hopsital bags packed soon. Today is the day that Riley's grandma marrys the love of her life. We are excited for grandma. We can not wait for everyone to meet him. 29 days left

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Birthing classes

Today we took our birthing class. We ended up doing the boot camp session because it'd be too difficult to get to Durango right after work during the week. This class was long and very informative. We walked away feeling information overload. I know now we are feeling slightly more confident as well.

There was so much given to us in the class today. Between relaxation methods, breathing, simple infant caring steps we don't know where to start. We were told to practice practice practice. We will be packing our hospital bag soon. The big day is getting close.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Less than 60 days

We are down to the wire. Our birthing class is next week so thats something huge for us to look forward to. People at work are placing a pool on when I will be in labor. Some say I have 50 days left some say we won't see Riley till September.

On another note, Adam got me a prenatal massage today. It was for 30 mins and I was way relaxed. I enjoyed having all my tense sore muscles worked on. The massage was super relaxing. I even ended up falling asleep in it. Riley even enjoyed me being relaxed.

Until next time.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Final Glucose test

I was finally able to complete the glucose test. Took lots of patience and distraction from not only Adam but Nana as well. Riley will be here in 60 days. I can not wait. Adam and I both are so excited. Riley moves so much. You can look at my stomach and watch him move. The baby shower is coming up. I am now at the point that I get hot all the time. Sleep is becoming hard to catch a complete 8 hours straight. But I know it is all worth it. I can not wait to hold our son and look at the little life we created.

My favorite thing to do right now is to lay on the couch so Adam and I can bond with the baby. There are times that Riley wakes Adam up at night, he kicks hard. The baby room is set and ready to go. All I have to do is wash all the clothes, but I am trying really hard not to wash them till closer when he is here. I have a feeling if I wash them now I will be washing them again and again, wearing them out before Riley gets to wear them.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Glucose test

For the record, the glucose test is hard and nasty. I flunked the first one because I fasted when I wasn't supposed to. The second test was an automatic fail because 10 mins before the first drawl I ended up loosing the drink. I'm feeling like a failure. Everyone I know did this test just fine. I'll be calling the doctor tomorrow to see what the next step is.

On the bright side of things, today is fathers day. I'm getting ready to go get Riley's daddy his first fathers day gift. I'll post later what it is and if he liked it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Beginning the third Trimester

Hello to the third trimester. The trimester brings to me anxiety, excitment, and of course fear. Its strange how 4 months ago I wouldn't have thought twice about whats to come in August. I was just excited. Now I am getting anxious just to see Riley and for Adam and I to have our baby in our arms. I'm excited to be a mom. I'm scared to death that I will fail, or of course be a big baby about the labor like you see in these Bringing home baby or Birthday shows on TV. I have some stress and I know that its kinda dumb to stress over everything and I still have plenty of time, but I feel like there are things that I should be doing that I'm not. We will be registering soon for birthclasses. We will be taking a one day class. We will be taking some new pictures of Rileys room and posting them soon. Hope everyone is still just as excited as we are.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Doctors appt...6 months

I am at the 6 month mark. Riley is getting big and getting more and more energetic by the week. His heartbeat was 150. Which is good. I have the glucose test then I start seeing the doctor every two weeks. I does not seem that long ago when I thought time was going by slow. Now I look down and I have difficulty seeing my feet. I have a feeling that August is going to sneak up on me.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Its a BOY ultrasound

 This is another profile shot
This is where we see he's a boy.
 This is the heart

The second picture is of his little feet aren't they cute.
His face, where we measure the skull and other bones.

Introducing the baby name

We had our appointment on Thursday. The ultrasound went amazing. It was so nice to see the baby on the screen and watch the baby stretch, roll, and kick. Everything measured out to be excatly where it should be at this time. We are now at the 21 week mark. The due date has not changed, its still August 28th. The baby for those of you who don't know is going to be named Riley Evan Robertson. He was upsetting our ultrasound tech because he would not sit still for her to take a picture of his heart and monitor it very well. We tried to get a 4d picture of him, but Riley wants to keep it a surprise on what he looks like so he kept moving around. Which really is ok, I know that he will be just as handsome as his daddy. Seeing my baby on screen made me want to cry, but I knew if I did cry I would be seen as that dramatic pregnant lady. But I am so happy now that I can call him by name. I'll post some of his ultrasound pictures as well.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Four Days!!

The next four days are going to feel like forever! I am getting so excited and nervous all at the same time. I have no idea why I am so nervous. I guess the main reason is because now we actually will have a name. I am so sorry of calling the baby, baby, or it. I am ready to give it a name. Adam is just as excited. I am still nervous about seeing the ultrasound. I am really hoping that the baby is facing the right way so we can see it the best way. They are going to record the ultrasound as well. That is going to be a great memory keeper.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Less than a week!

We are getting so super excited. Less than a week left and we will be able to call our baby by name. We went shopping today for wedding gifts for some friends of ours. At the same time we picked up more maternity clothes and new sandals. I am so excited. We also are now registered with motherhood maternity so what that means is that we will be getting up $400.00 stuff in samples, coupons, and other stuff. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Missing my babys and how thing have been.

I'm out of town again and miss my babys. It feels like I miss all the cool things when I'm gone:(
Mommy has been growing....shhhh don't tell her I seed that. It's the cutest little belly and i can feel the baby all the time. He gets in a ball and upset and makes mommy very uncomfortable and all I have to do is get down and talk to it and rub mommys belly and it relaxes and goes to sleep.
Sometimes I think mommy thinks I get mad at her emotions and that she pees more than she drinks lol but it's so amazing, I love the little things that remind me we are gona be parents sense I don't get to feel it all the time.
August 14 we see what IT will be. Even tho we are pretty sure it's a boy lol. Not suppose to say that but hey when you know you know. We both were wanting a boy but sometimes I think about a girl and how beautiful she would be like her mommy. I don't know if I could handle living with 2 angels tho lol.
Well until next time. I love you guys and miss my babies.

Your love husband and daddy. Goodnight.

First Kick, and baby room

Today I felt the baby kick for the first time. It was the most incredible feeling. I have been feeling the baby shift and roll for some time now. But today I felt a kick. I am so excited. This weekend Daddy and Mommy worked on the baby room. We still have more to do. Here are the pics on how far we are right now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rough days

It's the pregnancy hormones hard at work. Some moments I cry, some moments I laugh, and some I get angry. It's embarrassing how hard it is to get a grip on them. Adam is out of town right now, so of course things didn't go as smooth today as I wanted. I feel like some of the things going on around me are harsher than usual. On the bright side of things, everything is going good with the baby.I'm getting even more excited to see the baby by ultrasound again. I know Adam can't wait either.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

4 Months!!!

Today is offically the four month mark. I have 5 months left! The crib has been set up. Poor Adam, it was a challenge because I kept telling him backwards. We are now starting to plan ahead. We want to stock up on the diapers and wipes and all that crucial baby inventory. Next month is when we have our next ultrasound which is exciting. Friday is our checkup. After being sick a couple of weeks ago, baby and I are sucking down the water. Its difficult sitting down and getting into the flow at work just to get up and take a break. But I think of the baby and thats what drives me to drink as much water as possible.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hello 2nd Trimester

After the Doctors Appointment on Friday, we have found out that so far everything is good. Its strange that now all the regular pregnancy symptoms are fading I am starting to feel very well. Almost feeling like the first trimester didn't exist. After talking to the doctor she said this is completly normal and that many women feel almost like they are not pregnant. To reassure Adam and I the doctor checked for the baby's heartbeat. The baby was sitting on the left side, and the heart beat was very strong. Technically I can't feel the baby move but I do feel a little knot through out the day. The knot increases as I feel upset, angry, stress, any negative emotion. We are now officially in the second trimester. Can not wait for the next appointment.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

This was Daddy's and Mommy's first Valentine's Day together. It was the best Valentine's Day ever. Friday day night, Adam gave me a complete night of romance. It was so perfect. Our little Valentine is almost into the 2nd trimester. We are so excited. Tonight is Adam's Valentines. I can't wait to see if he likes it or not. Its so exciting.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

2nd Dr appointment

We have our 2nd appointement on Friday. 2nd Trimesters starts next Sunday. We are excited. Its nice not feeling sick all the time. Just wish I could kick the common cold now. As I look back on the last 12 weeks, time has flown, sure didn't feel like it was going by that fast though.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Everyone's Question Answered

Ok so I really can't wait. I can't keep the secret. I have to tell. The test said that Adam and I will have a future Lil' Cowboy. Guess I better start looking for cute chaps for him to ride in huh.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Intelligender from Walgreens

Hi all!

Walgreens has this test out that can tell you what the baby's gender is as early as 8 weeks. Now it's not 100% accurate but it's still fun. We bought one last night just for giggles. I just got done taking it. Anyone wanna guess the results? Now remember it's not a 100% but from all the stuff I read a lot people seem to have correct results. Feelnfree to post and let me know what you think the test came out as, there's a 50-50 chance here :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

super excited daddy!!!

 Ok so watching my sweetheart get poked and proded at the doc wasnt cool. Hard to see her hurt., but i know shes tough. It was a cool thing to hear our babys heart beat and see it! I could hardly believe it was real! next appointment is the 18th of feb and im hoping it will be a easier one on my sweetheart. So we have a little time tell we fine out the sex, but in the mean time go ahead and post in the coment box what you think it will be..... oh and i looked up the heart rate wives tale and yeah its a wives tale not the truth;) 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shreveport LA

Hi all!!! So great news, I made it to Shreveport without getting sick on the plane. Lots of rushing from plane to plane but thats ok. When I got to Shreveport my whole body was tense and exhausted. Now, I am finally able to relax get some homework done and go to bed. I am so super tired today. Doctor's Appointment is 4 days and counting. Can not wait. I read on the pregnancy assistnant application on my phone that the baby is now moving. I can't feel it yet, but the baby is moving. How exciting is this!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Business Trip

Tomorrow I have to go out of town for a sales meeting. I am so worried that I may end up getting sick while I am on the plane. I am also worried about just not feeling good in general. Wish me luck. I am going to do everything I can do to keep my cool while on the plane.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Morning Sickness and Work

Morning sickness is supposed to go away at noon. But for me its all day long. Poor Adam, is at a lost sometimes on what to do. I eat and 20 minutes later I get to taste my meal a second time. I can handle feeling the nausea, its the running to the bathroom at work that I can't handle. We are going to try something new. I'll keep you all posted with what happens. A little over a week till our first appointment and I just can't wait.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Doctors Appointment and catch up

We have our first appointment January 20th at 9:30 in the morning. We will have the first ultrasound and will get to hear the heart beat. The last two weeks have been interesting. We went to see Grandma Sanders and all the Aunts and Uncles. Came home with a really bad cold. Getting rid of the cold has been a priority for Daddy. We are now getting over this cold. Morning sickness comes in an ALL day stride. Scrambled eggs are a bad thing for mommy. Even seeing them makes my gag reflex start. We have found that dinner, no matter what it is, is the hardest meal to eat.